Vinegar; Natural Cleansing and Hygiene!
Vinegar is one of the oldest remedies used in both diets and domestic life. Whether it is apple or white wine is still an excellent ingredient in the diet. Recent studies have shown a positive effect against blood sugar and diabetes, but also in the cleaning and hygiene of the house.
In particular, it is very useful as a natural anti-scale on taps and stoves, slightly dilute the vinegar with a little water to give a shiny and sanitizing effect to all metals without scratching and ruining them.
The only recommendation is to rinse it after removing limestone, as it is always an acidic substance that can interfere with metal surfaces.
Another highly recommended use is as a sanitizing and natural rinse aid in the dishwasher, it takes less than a coffee cup at each wash to keep the dishwasher and washing machine filters perfectly clean.
It can still be effectively used to disinfect the dirty sponges in a natural way, just immerse them in water and vinegar and it will come out good as new, and without any of the bad smells.
Last but not least, you are able to clean your glasses and make them perfectly bright without any streaks! Simply insert water and vinegar in an old bottle with a spray dispenser, and proceed with the usual cleaning of the glass!
There really are many uses of vinegar, but in this post we wanted to focus on the most common for everyday use.
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